LVSmiRNA 1.30.0
LVS normalization for Agilent miRNA data
Released Feb 12, 2015 by Stefano Calza
This package cannot yet be used with Renjin it depends on other packages which are not available: Biobase 2.40.0, affy 1.58.0, and vsn 3.48.1
An older version of this package is
more compatible with Renjin.
Biobase 2.40.0 affy 1.58.0 vsn 3.48.1 limma 3.36.1 quantreg 5.36 SparseM 1.77 MASS 7.3-50 zlibbioc 1.26.0 BiocGenerics 0.26.0
Normalization of Agilent miRNA arrays.