AntAngioCOOL 1.2
Anti-Angiogenic Peptide Prediction
Released Aug 1, 2016 by Javad Zahiri
This package cannot yet be used with Renjin it depends on other packages which are not available: caret 6.0-80
caret 6.0-80 rJava rpart 4.1-13 RWeka 0.4-38
Machine learning based package to predict anti-angiogenic peptides using heterogeneous sequence descriptors. 'AntAngioCOOL' exploits five descriptor types of a peptide of interest to do prediction including: pseudo amino acid composition, k-mer composition, k-mer composition (reduced alphabet), physico-chemical profile and atomic profile. According to the obtained results, 'AntAngioCOOL' reached to a satisfactory performance in anti-angiogenic peptide prediction on a benchmark non-redundant independent test dataset.