HumMeth27QCReport 1.2.14
HumMeth27QCReport: quality control and preprocessing of Illumina's Infinium methylation assays.
Released Jul 9, 2012 by F.M. Mancuso
This package cannot yet be used with Renjin it depends on other packages which are not available: methylumi, AnnotationDbi, IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db, lumi, IlluminaHumanMethylation450k.db, Biobase, and tcltk2 1.2-11
tcltk2 1.2-11 WriteXLS 4.0.0 Hmisc 4.1-1 amap 0.8-16 plotrix 3.7-2 gplots 3.0.1
HumMeth27QCReport is a tool for quality control and preprocessing of Illumina's Infinium BeadChip methylation assays. The automated analysis pipeline comprises data import, normalization, quality diagnostics and data export.