aRpsDCA 1.1.1
Arps Decline Curve Analysis in R
Released Jul 23, 2017 by Derrick Turk
Functions for Arps decline-curve analysis on oil and gas data. Includes exponential, hyperbolic, harmonic, and hyperbolic-to-exponential models as well as the preceding with initial curtailment or a period of linear rate buildup. Functions included for computing rate, cumulative production, instantaneous decline, EUR, time to economic limit, and performing least-squares best fits.
This package can be included as a dependency from a Java or Scala project by including
the following your project's pom.xml
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about embedding Renjin in JVM-based projects.
<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.renjin.cran</groupId> <artifactId>aRpsDCA</artifactId> <version>1.1.1-b14</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <repositories> <repository> <id>bedatadriven</id> <name>bedatadriven public repo</name> <url></url> </repository> </repositories>
Renjin CLI
If you're using Renjin from the command line, you load this library by invoking:
Test Results
This package was last tested against Renjin 0.9.2682 on Aug 23, 2018.
- aRpsDCA-package-examples
- arps-examples
- arps.with.buildup-examples
- as.effective-examples
- as.nominal-examples
- bestfit-examples
- curtailed-examples
- eur-examples
- exponential-examples
- fit_and_plot
- fit_and_plot_from_Np
- fit_and_plot_from_Np_with_buildup
- fit_and_plot_from_Np_with_curtailment
- fit_and_plot_from_interval
- fit_and_plot_from_interval_with_buildup
- fit_and_plot_from_interval_with_curtailment
- fit_and_plot_with_buildup
- fit_and_plot_with_curtailment
- format.arps-examples
- harmonic-examples
- hyp2exp-examples
- hyperbolic-examples
- print.arps-examples