ahpsurvey 0.4.0
Analytic Hierarchy Process for Survey Data
Released Feb 15, 2019 by Frankie Cho
Rdpack 0.10-1
tidyr 0.8.2
magrittr 1.5
randomNames 1.0-0.0
knitr 1.21
The Analytic Hierarchy Process is a versatile multi-criteria decision-making tool introduced by Saaty (1987) that allows decision-makers to weigh attributes and evaluate alternatives presented to them. This package provides a consistent methodology for researchers to reformat data and run analytic hierarchy process in R on data that are formatted using the survey data entry mode. It is optimized for performing the analytic hierarchy process with many decision-makers, and provides tools and options for researchers to aggregate individual preferences and test multiple options. It also allows researchers to quantify, visualize and correct for inconsistency in the decision-maker's comparisons.