alluvial 0.1-2
Alluvial Diagrams
Released Sep 9, 2016 by Michal Bojanowski
This package can be loaded by Renjin but 1 out 4 tests failed.
Creating alluvial diagrams (also known as parallel sets plots) for multivariate and time series-like data.
This package can be included as a dependency from a Java or Scala project by including
the following your project's pom.xml
Read more
about embedding Renjin in JVM-based projects.
<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.renjin.cran</groupId> <artifactId>alluvial</artifactId> <version>0.1-2-b20</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <repositories> <repository> <id>bedatadriven</id> <name>bedatadriven public repo</name> <url></url> </repository> </repositories>
Renjin CLI
If you're using Renjin from the command line, you load this library by invoking:
Test Results
This package was last tested against Renjin 0.9.2644 on Jun 1, 2018.