asdreader 0.1-3

Reading ASD Binary Files in R

Released Sep 13, 2017 by Pierre Roudier

This package can be loaded by Renjin but 2 out 4 tests failed.

A simple driver that reads binary data created by the ASD Inc. portable spectrometer instruments, such as the FieldSpec (for more information, see ). Spectral data can be extracted from the ASD files as raw (DN), white reference, radiance, or reflectance. Additionally, the metadata information contained in the ASD file header can also be accessed.



This package can be included as a dependency from a Java or Scala project by including the following your project's pom.xml file. Read more about embedding Renjin in JVM-based projects.

    <name>bedatadriven public repo</name>

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Renjin CLI

If you're using Renjin from the command line, you load this library by invoking:


Test Results

This package was last tested against Renjin 0.9.2644 on Jun 2, 2018.



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