text2speech 0.2.5

Text to Speech

Released Jun 24, 2019 by John Muschelli

This package can be loaded by Renjin but 1 out 4 tests failed.


dplyr 0.8.2 magrittr 1.5 mscstts 0.5.2 aws.polly 0.1.2 tuneR 1.3.3 aws.signature 0.5.0 googleAuthR 0.8.0 googleLanguageR 0.2.0 httr 1.4.0

Unifies different text to speech engines, such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. Text synthesis can be done in any engine with a simple switch of an argument denoting the service requested.



This package can be included as a dependency from a Java or Scala project by including the following your project's pom.xml file. Read more about embedding Renjin in JVM-based projects.

    <name>bedatadriven public repo</name>

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If you're using Renjin from the command line, you load this library by invoking:


Test Results

This package was last tested against Renjin 0.9.2726 on Jul 13, 2019.



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