tmaptools 2.0-1

Thematic Map Tools

Released Aug 7, 2018 by Martijn Tennekes

This package cannot yet be used with Renjin it depends on other packages which are not available: rgeos 0.4-3, sf 0.7-4, lwgeom 0.1-6, units 0.6-2, rgdal 1.4-3, and raster 2.8-19


rgdal 1.4-3 raster 2.8-19 sf 0.7-4 lwgeom 0.1-6 rgeos 0.4-3 units 0.6-2 XML 3.98-1.19 viridisLite 0.3.0 sp 1.3-1 RColorBrewer 1.1-2 magrittr 1.5 KernSmooth 2.23-15 classInt 0.3-3 dichromat 2.0-0

Set of tools for reading and processing spatial data. The aim is to supply the workflow to create thematic maps. This package also facilitates 'tmap', the package for visualizing thematic maps.



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