AFM 1.2.6
Atomic Force Microscope Image Analysis
Released Jun 8, 2019 by Mathieu Beauvais
data.table 1.12.2 rgl 0.100.24 shiny 1.3.2 scales 1.0.0 ggplot2 3.2.0 png 0.1-7 stringr 1.4.0 plyr 1.8.4 mixtools 1.1.0 dbscan 1.1-3 fftwtools 0.9-8 pracma 2.2.5 gridExtra 2.3 shinyjs 1.0 moments 0.14 fractaldim 0.8-4 sp 1.3-1 gstat 2.0-2 igraph
Provides Atomic Force Microscope images analysis such as Gaussian mixes identification, Power Spectral Density, roughness against lengthscale, experimental variogram and variogram models, fractal dimension and scale, 2D network analysis. The AFM images can be exported to STL format for 3D printing.