AR 1.1
Another Look at the Acceptance-Rejection Method
Released May 2, 2018 by Abbas Parchami
In mathematics, 'rejection sampling' is a basic technique used to generate observations from a distribution. It is also commonly called 'the Acceptance-Rejection method' or 'Accept-Reject algorithm' and is a type of Monte Carlo method. 'Acceptance-Rejection method' is based on the observation that to sample a random variable one can perform a uniformly random sampling of the 2D cartesian graph, and keep the samples in the region under the graph of its density function. Package 'AR' is able to generate/simulate random data from a probability density function by Acceptance-Rejection method. Moreover, this package is a useful teaching resource for graphical presentation of Acceptance-Rejection method. From the practical point of view, the user needs to calculate a constant in Acceptance-Rejection method, which package 'AR' is able to compute this constant by optimization tools. Several numerical examples are provided to illustrate the graphical presentation for the Acceptance-Rejection Method.
This package can be included as a dependency from a Java or Scala project by including
the following your project's pom.xml
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<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.renjin.cran</groupId> <artifactId>AR</artifactId> <version>1.1-b3</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <repositories> <repository> <id>bedatadriven</id> <name>bedatadriven public repo</name> <url></url> </repository> </repositories>
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Test Results
This package was last tested against Renjin 0.9.2689 on Aug 26, 2018.