apcluster 1.4.7

Affinity Propagation Clustering

Released May 29, 2018 by Ulrich Bodenhofer

This package can be loaded by Renjin but all tests failed. An older version of this package is more compatible with Renjin.


Matrix 1.2-14 Rcpp

Implements Affinity Propagation clustering introduced by Frey and Dueck (2007) . The algorithms are largely analogous to the 'Matlab' code published by Frey and Dueck. The package further provides leveraged affinity propagation and an algorithm for exemplar-based agglomerative clustering that can also be used to join clusters obtained from affinity propagation. Various plotting functions are available for analyzing clustering results.



This package can be included as a dependency from a Java or Scala project by including the following your project's pom.xml file. Read more about embedding Renjin in JVM-based projects.

    <name>bedatadriven public repo</name>

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Renjin CLI

If you're using Renjin from the command line, you load this library by invoking:


Test Results

This package was last tested against Renjin 0.9.2687 on Aug 25, 2018.