Simple Ecological Statistics from the NEON Network
'ZooBank' API Client
Treatment of Zeros, Left-Censored and Missing Values in Compositional Data Sets
Multiple, Unpacking, and Destructuring Assignment
Working with Dynamic Models for Agriculture and Environment
Affymetrix zebrafish annotation data (chip zebrafish)
Base Level Annotation databases for zebrafish
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type zebrafish
Zebrafish RNA-Seq Experimental Data from Ferreira et al. (2014)
Local Association Measures
Analysis of Circadian Behaviours
Everyone's Statistical Software
Zelig Choice Models
Zelig Ecological Inference Models
General Additive Models for Zelig
Multilevel Regressions for Zelig
Easily Install and Load Stable Zelig Packages
Interface to 'Zenodo' REST API
Zendesk API Wrapper
Zigzag Expanded Navigation Plots
Zero Order vs (Semi) Partial Correlation Test and CI
Functions to Compute Compositional Turnover Using Zeta Diversity
Zoom-Focus Algorithm
Calculate the Compressibility Factor 'z' for Hydrocarbon Gases
A suite of functions to facilitate zFPKM transformations
Zero-Inflated Beta-Binomial Modeling of Microbiome Count Data
Differential Abundance Analysis for Metagenomic Data via Zero-Inflated Beta Regression
Bayesian Inference for Zero-Inflated Count Models
R Interface to Zillow Real Estate and Mortgage Data API
Zero-Inflated Models for Count Time Series with Excess Zeros
Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Model for RNA-Seq Data
Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression
U.S. ZIP Code database for geocoding
Zipf Extended Distributions
Statistical Models for Word Frequency Distributions
Zero-Inflated Poisson Hidden (Semi-)Markov Models
Pythonic Zip() for R
Creates a Data Frame of US Zip Codes in a Given Radius from a Given US Zip Code
An R packaged zlib-1.2.5
Seismic Reflection and Scattering Coefficients
Bayesian Inference for Beta Regression and Zero-or-One Inflated Beta Regression
ZOIP Distribution, ZOIP Regression, ZOIP Mixed Regression
Interface to the 'Zoltar' Forecast Repository API
Utilities for Zonation Spatial Conservation Prioritization Software
S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's Ordered Observations)
Analytical Tools for Zooarchaeological Data
Interactive Analytical Tools for Zooarchaeological Data
'zoo' Objects with Column Attributes
Analysis of Numerical Plankton Images
A spatial data visualization tool
Grid Search Algorithm with a Zoom
Reproducible, Accessible & Shareable Species Distribution Modelling
Dynamic Plots for Time Series Forecasting
Child Anthropometry z-Score Calculator
Integer Sequence Generator
R Bindings to the 'Zstandard' Compression Library
Zebra-Striped Tables in LaTeX and HTML Formats
Functions to Import Data from 'z-Tree' into R
Run a Ztype Game Loaded with R Functions
Zero-Variance Control Variates
Zhang + Yue-Pilon Trends Package