Yet Another Canonical Correlation Analysis Package
Nearest Neighbor Observation Imputation and Evaluation Tools
A Simple Wrapper for the k-Means Library Yakmo
Data exploration tools from Yale University.
Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back
Tools for high-throughput metabolomics
Yet Another Package for Signature Analysis
Affymetrix expression data quality control and reproducibility analysis
Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance
YARN: Robust Multi-Condition RNA-Seq Preprocessing and Normalization
Yet Another 'ARFF' Reader
A Companion to the e-Book "YaRrr!: The Pirate's Guide to R"
String Functions for Compact R Code
Yet Another TAxonomy Handler
Yield curve or zero-coupon prices interpolation and extrapolation
Cryptic Transcription Analysis in Yeast
Use and if Needed Install Packages from CRAN, BioConductor, CRAN Archive, and GitHub
Base Level Annotation databases for yeast
Affymetrix Yeast Genome 2.0 Array annotation data (chip yeast2)
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type yeast2
Spellman et al. (1998) and Pramila/Breeden (2006) yeast cell cycle microarray data
Yeast Experimental Data
Yeast Gold Standard Data
Yeast genome RNA sequencing data based on Nagalakshmi et. al.
Yeast RNA-Seq Experimental Data from Lee et al. 2008
Ask Yes-No Questions
Affymetrix Yeast Genome S98 Array annotation data (chip ygs98)
Vectors used by frma for microarrays of type ygs98
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ygs98
Interpreting Regression Effects
R Binder for the Yhat API
Modelling and estimation of the yield curve
Text Analysis by Yahoo! Japan Develper Network
K-means using a target variable
Compute Expected Years of Life Lost (YLL) and Average YLL
A Reactive Web Framework Built on 'shiny'
Analyze Cricket Performances Based on Data from Cricsheet
Forecasting age-sex-country-cause mortality rates
Downloading YouTube Subtitle Transcription in a Tidy 'Tibble' Data_Frame
Interim Monitoring Using Adaptively Weighted Log-Rank Test in Clinical Trials
Plant Architectural Analysis with Yplant and QuasiMC
The Short-Term and Long-Term Hazard Ratio Model for Survival Data
Yield Per Recruit
expression + genotype on 79 unrelated YRI individuals
support for expression, methylation, DHS, VCF for YRI
Y&R Miscellaneous R Functions
A Simple Approach to Scale Gene Expression Data Derived from Different Platforms for Integrated Analyses
The YUIMA Project Package for SDEs
A Graphical User Interface for the 'yuima' Package
Utilities to Extract and Process 'YAML' Fragments
R Bindings for Yummly API